Monday, December 3, 2007

Update on last post

I went to MS Sports Medicine today for an xray and I do have a fractured radial head of my right arm. So.........I am not able to lift anything with my right arm for six weeks. No cast or splint because I need to keep moving it to keep it from freezing up. Right now it hurts so it will not be hard to remember but as it heals it will be hard to keep from using it.
We will miss everyone at the party Saturday. We will be in New York for a week. WooHoo! We are going to a Magic Show, Wicked and to see the Rocketts Christmas Show. Can't wait!
See you guys when we return!


Chicago_or_Bust said...

Just so you all know, Jana has determined that lifting a skillet to cook is considered lifting a heavy object and so is off limits for 4-6 weeks ! :-(

Maybe it will slow down her shopping in NY (heavy bags to carry), but I doubt it.

She is recovering well, except for her belief she has a 'black cloud' following her around.


The Miller's Blog said...

Clark, you are mean! :-) I agree on the black cloud philosophy.... but we still love you, Jana!!!!! Glad you are okay!!!!

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Glad things are getting better, except for the confirmation of the fracture. Forget about the black cloud....four weeks from tomorrow starts a new year. Hey Clark! You're supposed to carry all of Jana's bags for her. Hope you all have a great time.

LegalSec said...

Have fun in New York and PLEASE be careful! ;-)

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

sounds like you are feeling some better! Have fun in NYC!

Kristy Jones said...

Jana! I just read your blog about the dogs! How awful! I am so sorry! I am glad you are okay! That is so scary. I have decided just to walk in the newer part of my neighborhood because of some loose dogs that always scare me. I have been out of the blog world for a while, but I am back! I hope you are doing okay. Keep in touch!!!