Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I have had a great week training despite myself. Saturday, instead of trying to run with you guys (not ready yet for the pavement) Clark and I opted to ride bikes. We rode from our house in Madison to Grants Ferry Road, ate lunch at the Fresh Market Cafe and rode home. The only problem was we left the house after it got hot outside and had to ride in the heat the whole time. We got about a mile from home and I wrecked my bike. I skinned myself up pretty bad but my feelings were hurt worse than anything! I think I tried to do too much too soon and got overtired. I also haven't trained in the heat since the 18 miler when I got my tibial fracture. All of that was the perfect setup for getting hurt and I know better!
Sunday I was pretty "stove up" and rested. Monday I rode the elliptical for 13 minutes and then did water aerobics for 1.5 hrs. Tonight I walked and ran (yes, I did!) on the treadmill for 30 minutes and did the elliptical for 20 minutes. I am trying to build my endurance back up as much as I can without overdoing it. I am not going to try to do 20 miles Saturday. All I need is another stress fracture this close to the marathon! I still don't know if I will feel ready and won't until the week of the marathon, I guess. Right now, I feel like I can at least walk 26.2 miles. I just have been so miserable with these injuries I don't know if it is worth it! Wayne, if you have any suggestions please let me know!


The Miller's Blog said...

Sorry about your wreck on the bike, but we are glad you are ok! I'm so glad you have the motivation to keep on doing your exercise to help your endurance. You've got such a great attitude about it.

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

You'll be ready. With everything you've had to deal with, aim to just finish. Next year, you can set a time goal. Your stubborness and determination, and the crowd will get you across that finish line. You are an inspiration to all marathoners, especially the ones dealing with injuries.

Debra said...

That's a long bike trip one way from Madison to Fresh Market/Grant's Ferry and I don't want to even think about the trip back in the heat after a blue plate special! Ya'll were inspired!
I hate you had a bike wreck. But you know sh** just happens, and you can't blame yourself for overdoing. We're all doing more that we were last year this time and that's a huge change. You've got all of us rooting for you!


Carol said...

Doggonit, you are an accident looking for a place to happen! If I were you and I wanted to do the marathon this year, I would just try to walk it. Considering your injuries this year, I think running it would be really risky for (a)having another injury or (b)not being able to finish. You didn't ask my opinion, but I gave it anyway!!!

cjonesrun said...

Ditto what Carol said except I would walk almost all of the CM but for the last mile I would run like heck so the picture across the finish line will look GOOD!

Christa said...

I think you are on the right track. Keep it slow, don't do too much, and shoot for whatever you can in Chicago be it running, walking or a little of both. Like Lisa said, you are determined enough to get you across the finish line one way or another. Nothing can stop the Come Back Kid!

Robin said...

Hang in there, Jana!

Mark Simpson said...

I'll tell you what Jeff Galloway told me when I ran my marathon after a stress fracture - do 1:1 intervals! I didn't listen and did 3:1 intervals and then walked the last 8 miles. If you run - do 1:1 intervals!

Chuck Gautier said...

Sounds like you are keeping your head about you- You will recover enough, based on your good cross training- Sorry to hear about the bike incident- I am just glad it was not something worse. take care...cg