I bought two small beautiful watercolors from this man at the market here in Seattle yesterday. He is my age, born in Peru without arms and paints with his mouth. He is also an art teacher. He is awesome and such an inspiration!
I started back exercising Thursday and have not missed a day yet. Clark and I have gone to the fitness center each morning or night and I have done the elliptical. One night we water walked in the pool. Yesterday I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Not supposed to yet but I took it slow and was not going to do it if if hurt. My foot feels fine today (a little sore but no more than usual). I am really excited. Got to work on endurance though. I am trying to increase by five minutes everyday until I get up to par.
Oh, and by the way, Clark and I found some hemp granola yesterday at the market. We are having it for breakfast this morning and we don't care what we do after that. Everything is beautiful, man.
That market just has everything! Consume before the security line at the airport! :) Cheryl
Too much hemp granola and you'll be walking ON the water.
Glad ya'll are having such a great time. Look forward to seeing you. Keep groovin' over breakfast!!
Have fun!
Hey, Man! Can you ship some of that granola home? Glad you're having fun. When will we see you guys again?
I can attest that the Hemp Granola will get you back on the trail again! See you soon. Suzanne
Jana you are hilarious!!!! Glad your foot is feeling better! Bring back some granola to share with your pals1 :-)
I'm with Mandy. Bring back some of that hemp!! Glad to hear that you are doing better. We sure have missed you.
You are a machine. You will be kicking our "butts" again soon, I am sure. Go easy on that hemp laiden granola, too!
You CRACK ME UP!!!! Enjoy your breakfast Cheech and Chong, I mean Clark and Jana. We miss you two!
hey man, can you tell me where i can score some of the hemp granola!, ha,,
take care,, glad your doing better, have missed seeing you and clark out there, ill miss this week, but ill be there for the 22 miler!
see ya soon
I've heard of hemp brownies (I think) but hemp granola is a new one on me!
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