Monday, October 22, 2007

Grandma Jana and Grandpa Clark

Clark and I found out today that we are going to be grandparents for the first time! Clark is old enough but not me! HA!
My youngest daughter Jamie just found out that she is pregnant. I can't believe it! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cincha said...

Congratulations, Jana and Clark! This kid better get ready to be spoiled! :-)

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad that you are a Marathoner? You will be once you have to keep up with that grandbaby! Congrats to both of you. Suzanne Windsor

The Miller's Blog said...

OMG!!! That is awesome!!!!!!!! Congratulations. I know you are soooooo excited!

Chuck Gautier said...

You two will make great grandparents, I am sure. Congratulations! All this marathon training is about to pay off. Baby sitting will be like easy XT...

Debra said...

You're right, Jana. Definitely too young. You must have had that child when you were 12!



catseye said...

All I can say is that if I had known grandchildren could be so much fun, I've have skipped kids and gone straight to grandkids! YOu are going to have a blast!

Sorry you can't make it to the party. Do tell Clark to come by if he gets a chance!

Christa said...

YEAH!!!!!! Congratulations Jana and Clark!!!!

VICKIE said...

that is soo good and you can bet you will be called alot wanting med advice,,

cjonesrun said...

Great news...I hear it is a wonderful experience! Your daughter will appreciate YOU even more when she has that baby. :)

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Congrats... Granny! :) Have you thought of your "granny name" yet? I think that is one of the first things the female grandparent to be does! This will be such a really fun time!

LegalSec said...

I hope yours will live closer to you than mine do! Either way life will change - it will be so much more fun!