Thursday, December 27, 2007

Chicago Marathon Jacket

For those of you who didn't get an official Chicago Marathon Jacket while we were in Chicago (and wanted one) go to this website and they are on sale 75% off! $31.25. Great bargain. They have some other great marathon merchandise but the sizes and colors are limited.
Just thought I would pass along my great deal!


The Miller's Blog said...

Now I know what to do with some of my Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket! Thanks!

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

I just ran across your blog and am glad to read about the fire sale for LB Chicago Marathon merchandise. I ran it (Whew!) and the prices are hard to beat right now.

I'll look forward to reading you more regularly. Hope you're recovering okay.

Kristy Jones said...

Hey Jana! I hope you are feeling better! The only diet I have ever been successful on is eliminating sugar from my diet. I have joined Weight Watchers about ten times, and I can't stay on it. I think I am a sugar addict! So, I am starting that today and we'll see how it goes! I'm off to the foot doctor. I hope he can fix my foot in time for MM 08!

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

What site is it?

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

Sorry I forgot to post the website!

It is:


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Anonymous said...

Back then I wish I had a jacket too...too bad.
