Thursday, July 26, 2007

This Blog is Dedicated to Queen

This blog is dedicated to Queen and all of us wonderful, beautiful women of MM who need to start wearing purple now (or red) so that people are not shocked or surprised when we are old and start to wear purple!

When I am Old I Will Wear Purple
Jenny Joseph's 'Famous Poem'

When I am Old
I will wear Purple!

When I am an old woman,
I shall wear purple - -
With a red hat which doesn't go,
and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension
on brandy and summer gloves and satin sandles,
And say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
and gobble up samples in shops
and press alarm bells
and run with my stick along public railings,
and make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
and pick flowers in other people's gardens
and learn to spit!
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
and eat three pounds of sausages at ago,
or only bread and pickles for a week,
and hoard pens and pencils
and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry,
and pay our rent
and not swear in the street,
and set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner
and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me
are not too shocked and surprised
when suddenly I am old,
And start to wear purple!

--Jenny Joseph

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

X Rated Blog

Everyone has gotten so good about blogging! I haven't been so good. I have been keeping up with my training. I was a slug Sunday though, went to church, lunch, and house hunting but no XT. My blisters kept me from doing much walking.

Monday I wogged on the treadmill for 45 min. and Tuesday for 30 minutes. On the treadmill I was able to increase my run interval to 3 and sometimes 5 minutes. I may try to run longer this Saturday since it is a "short" run and see how I do. After wogging Tuesday morning and then working all day (I stand most of the time) my blisters filled back up with fluid and my feet and legs hurt like Saturday! This morning I went to water aerobics and enjoyed every minute of it. Something about the water soothes your tired, aching feet and your poor ole joints. I fit right in with the other old blue hairs! I am just kidding about that. Water aerobics is an excellent way to exercise and somehow it is a well kept secret by older women. I don't know if it is because us younguns don't want to mess up our hair, don't think it is cool enough or a good enough workout, or we are working when the retired ladies can go, but when I go I am usually the youngest in the class! I highly recommend it. I even bought some gloves today at Fitness Lady to increase resistence.

One day this past week, I was at Fitness Lady about to get on a treadmill when I heard one of the personal trainers say "she ran 16 miles Saturday, you know she is training for the Chicago Marathon." Well, she wasn't talking about me but I was so proud anyway! I looked to see who it was but did not recognize them. Was it you?

Clark and I have been spending most of our free time house hunting. We are having a dilemma of whether to build and get what we want (and possibly a divorce. JK) or buy a house already built. We made an offer on a house last week and while we were negotiating the homeowner accepted another offer. Legal, but not ethical. I have been pretty bummed out about that but I know there is something better out there for us. We want a house on the water, preferably Madison County but haven't found one we like or in our price range.

BTW, I must say that exercising is good for your sex life. That is all I am going to say about that. (Clark, no pressure, that is my opinion TODAY. I don't know if it will change tomorrow.)

Hope everyone has a great week. Looking forward to Saturday and a great run!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hooray for blisters!

I am happy to report that I have blisters the size of Texas on both feet! I am sore and stiff and can barely walk but SO happy. Yea for blisters!!!!! I was so worried because both feet were burning like crazy. They were hurting so bad I could not pinpoint the pain. I walked the last 2-3 miles because I was so afraid of injury.
I definitely need to calibrate my IPod Nike shoe thing because it reported 19.07 miles this morning. It was my first time to use it. I made a side trip to the bathroom at Lakeshore but don't think it added that much! Whatever milage it was, it was a long way and we did it!
We are all marathoners!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Short Run - HA!

I admit it. I have gotten terrible about blogging. I don't know why but I will try to do better.
The run this morning was fantastic. It was hot, humid, miserable, draining, awful and wonderful all at the same time! I am just SO thankful to be out there again without any real aches and pains. I have been really drained all day though. I am sure it is because I sweated like a mule the whole time! I read in Runner's World that in order to acclimate to the heat you should walk or slow jog in the hottest part of the day a couple of days a week. I am not sure they know what it is like here in MS in the middle of the day. I may try that this week. If I don't have a heat stroke I will let you know.
My youngest daughter and her husband left for Kansas City, Mo this afternoon. They will be living there for a year of so. I am feeling very depressed but happy that she is getting life experiences. She needs to see what the rest of the world is like after living in MS all her life. I am going to miss her so much!
Clark and I went to see Evan Almighty this afternoon. It was not at all what I expected but was a great movie. It had a great message as Ann McElroy said. Random acts of kindness will change the world. I believe that.
I challenge each one of us to do one small random act of kindness this week - anonymously. Let's see how it makes us feel and maybe blog about it next week?

Monday, July 9, 2007

Weeeeeeeeeee're Baaaaaaaaaaaack!

We are back! We had sooooooooooooo much fun! I think we will be home most of the rest of the summer.

I kept up pretty well with my training while we were gone - not perfect by any means but I logged about 14 miles last week. For XT I helped paint a house all day Monday and a porch Tuesday. I breaded catfish Friday for four hours in the park - we fed the town of Cody, WY Mississippi catfish, hushpuppies, and slaw. I totally missed the 15 miler on Saturday which is okay because I think it is still too soon with my heel fracture to run that far. I hope to stay the course this week and be ready for the "short" run Saturday and the long run the next Saturday.

Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!


Sunday, July 1, 2007