Saturday, February 17, 2007

I am really doing this!

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt

I am a procrastinator. I have waited three weeks to do my first blog - hoping it would go away. I waited 51 years to get serious about exercising - hoping that I would stay slim, trim and young anyway! I finally have figured out that you have to take charge of your own life. No one is going to do it for you and no matter how much I whine or groan or make excuses - I am responsible for how I feel, how I look and how happy I want to be.

I coerced my husband Clark into doing this marathon because I don't like to duck hunt and he hates to shop! Finally, something we can do together! He is having to push me at times and I am trying to be nice!

So far, I have managed to to do my "required" walking/running and XT every day. I am actually enjoying it!!!! Hopefully, we can tell the kids soon that we are doing this without them all fainting or sending us off to Whitfield. Maybe next year they will all run with us!

Thanks Mark for all your good advice. You guys have to be mighty patient to deal with us new marathoners!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I know Mark will comment later, but I just have to say what a JOY it is to work with ALL of you! It is so much fun to know that you can do this and we can share in it. Besides my marriage and children, this is the most fulfilling experience I have had to date. Hang in there and you will have the experience of a lifetime!