Sunday, February 18, 2007

Today Clark and I rode our bikes for about an hour all around Madison. it was cold even with my cuddle duds, bike pants with the soft boody cushion, long pants, long sleeve shirt, jacket, gloves and bike helmet. Clark had on only bike shorts, a shirt, and light jacket (plus helmet)!! It felt good to be outside even though traditionally I would rather hibernate inside in cold weather and esp. take a long Sunday afternoon nap!
Church was very inspiring this morning. We are studying about faith. Clark and I committed today to a mission trip to Cody, Wyoming this summer. Our only worry is how to get our training in while we are gone!
Can't believe I have exercised so much. We have a couple of friends that are battling cancer (our age) and right now I am feeling so thankful to God for my health and the opportunity to even attempt this. I lost my best girl friend two years ago to stomach cancer. She was 47 and had she lived she would be pounding the pavement with me and laughing all the way!!

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