Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"Storybook happiness involves every form of pleasant thumb-twiddling; true happiness involves the full use of one's powers and talents." -- John W. Gardner

Everyday I keep saying to myself "what was I thinking?" and then I think how far I have come in just three and 1/2 weeks. I never liked to run, hate exercise and here I am actually looking forward to every day!

When I turned 50 in 2005 I took up oil painting. I had never painted before, never even thought it was a possibility and really never entertained the idea. My best girl friend (I say that because Clark is my best boy friend) Joy that died with stomach cancer at 47 was an artist. I always admired her talent but that was as far as it went. A month before she died she told me she wanted me to learn to paint. Almost a year later the opportunity to take lessons fell into my lap ( a God thing?) and I could not turn it down (because of her dying request) even though I was very afraid.

Every class I went to I was afraid. Afraid I was way out of my league, afraid I could never learn, afraid everyone would think I was out of my mind, afraid people would laugh at my art, afraid my teacher would wonder what I was doing there. But I persevered. I went with all my insecurities and the devil sitting on my shoulder telling me I was crazy for even trying. Now, each time I go I learn something new and actually enjoy painting! I now have three paintings hanging in Bob Tompkin's Gallery!

I believe we all have the ability to do things we never thought we could but we are so afraid of failure we never try.

Today please say a prayer for Joy's husband. He is having surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his esophagus. He has already had chemo and radiation and will now be facing a feeding tube.

Let's do it afraid!!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Wow! Awesome story and great testimony. Thanks for sharing!