Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I can do this!

Thought I would give you guys an update so you know I haven't given up! I spent last week on crutches and was unable to bear weight on my left foot. The longest week of my life! Oprah, Dr. Phil and HGTV ruled my world. I hate to clean house but I hate worse to have to look at it and be unable to clean it! I also got a break from work. Most people would be happy about that but I love my job, I love my coworkers and my Dr. boss and occasionally I get to work with my husband Dr. boss! We have fun at work and I hate to miss.
Anyway, my foot has not gotten a whole lot better. Therefore, my Dr. husband decided it was time for me to have another bone scan. I went today and it showed another stress fracture - tibia this time. That is what we thought on examination last Saturday but since it was not getting better it was best to have it confirmed. I am glad that is all (not a complete break or fracture) because there is still hope that I can make Chicago.
I have heard so many comments in the past couple of weeks. "You are just not genetically made for running," "you need to run in moderation, not try to go so far," "running is just not your thing," "don't you know running is not good for you," and "maybe you should just give it up." And then on the other hand (from Clark and his brother, Chris) "you can still do this, you have come too far to quit now." I am going to listen to Clark and his brother!
Mandy was totally right though when she said if you do it to yourself, don't expect sympathy from anyone! It is hard for people to feel sorry for you when they told you you were crazy for running in the first place! All of this makes me more determined to complete the marathon.
I, along with all of you, am a marathoner! I can do this!


The Miller's Blog said...

No Jana! No! That's not what I meant when I said that! You have the unbelievable support of an incredible husband--who is a doctor and doesn't think you're crazy for doing have all of us who must be as crazy as the next person....we're all in this together. You will be completing Chicago--whether it's running, walking, wogging, crawling, or on crutches.... Do you hear me?! You have come so far and you have a great spirit and incredible commitment--when others would've thrown in the towel a long time ago, you are still hanging in there, determined not to be defeated by all of this. You are so much stronger than you think. You are awesome and you will get through this. I totally look up to you. I know it's frustrating and it's easy to get down about it, but you will overcome this and be so much stronger in more ways than one AND you have the support of all these great friends. Come on Jana! I'm glad you're hanging in there. I can't imagine this group without you or Clark. Your absence does not go unnoticed when you miss a Saturday. We need you!!!!!!! You're a vital part of this well-oiled machine!!!!!!! :-)

cjonesrun said...

That is the spirit, Jana! I am so glad to hear the orthopedic brother-in-law says you can heal and still make it to Chicago. GO JANA!!

Carol said...

Hmmm, maybe we can get you some skates, or, maybe we can enter you in the wheelchair division and we can all take turns in the wheelchair!!!! If the stress fracture is in your tibia, why is your foot hurting?????

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

The fracture is at the end of my tibia - at my ankle. I probably should say ankle pain but it seems to make my whole foot hurt esp. with wt. bearing.

Chuck Gautier said...

Jana, you can do this. You have bounced back too strong for me to think you can't. You are certainly a marathoner, and we all need to see you doing it too. You are awesome, and will do this!

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Yep, you CAN do this! The foundation physically and mentally has already been set. You could do the marathon today with your grit and determination. Your first marathon---speed isn't a factor, you focus on just crossing that finsh line, the second one--first you strive to finish and then aim to beat your time of the first one. Go for it, Jans!!!!

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

I have spoken before of my sister-in-law who just qualified in April to run next year's Boston (3 hours & 22 min was her marathon time!) She went through a year or maybe two of injuries similar to yours. She had stress fractures etc. She found a doctor who determined that her body has VERY different "abilities" for lack of a better word at different times of the month etc. She actually has used this in her trainning now I think. she has to learn to accommodate and LISTEN to her body and thus arranges trainning somewhat according to when her body is stronger. She does the longer runs for example when her body is at its max. I do not know what all she was tested for etc. I know the doctor is an avid runner and that made a HUGE difference to her. I can try to find out more details or get you in touch with her if you are interested.

Debra said...

We're all rooting for you! As for those naysayers -- fooey on them. They just don't get it, and we do. I've learned there are people I just don't talk to about our training. Who needs the negativism when you're battling heat and pain? I can generate enough of that in my own head.

Will see you on the trail.


Christa said...

Oh, I hate to hear that people are making negative comments. Don't listen to them. Not only are they absolutely WRONG, they are not very nice!!!! A friend would NEVER discourage a friend, especially about something as big as this. You are one of the strongest, if not THE STRONGEST one of us and I can't imagine anything stopping you. You will heal and have plenty of time to get back in there and run that race with us! We know you and know what you are capable of. We know for a fact that you'll be there with us on that starting line. Watch all the Oprah and Dr. Phil you need to in order to get better and then get back on your horse! You can do it girl!

Robin said...

Hang in there, Jana! You have a whole team of cheerleaders!! woohoo!

VICKIE said...

oh heck yeah you can do this, you are a mississippi woman and a marathoner! we can do this, ,with each other

catseye said...

Count me in as a cheerleader and ready to do anything you need to help you get to Chicago. You and Clark are the best and we're glad you're with us! Go Jana!