Friday, August 10, 2007

What a looooooooooooooong weeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

As of today, Friday, I am still using a crutch! My left foot is still really sore and difficult to walk on. It will get better. Just take some time, I know. I have not been able to work this week - or go to art class - or go to Yoga - or go to dinner at Shapleys last night with Clark's work. Bummer. Double bummer.
Clark and I will not be with you guys tomorrow or next week. We are leaving for an overnight Leadership Retreat with our church this afternoon to Timber Creek Camp and then next weekend we are going to my daughter's house in Hot Springs, AR. Take care out there and watch your fluid intake! It is going to be 100 degrees Saturday!


Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Have fun.... be safe.... AND.... we'll miss you!

runswithSandy said...

I feel for you with the crutch -- that is a miserable proposition. Take care of yourself and we'll see you back here soon.

Ann and Bob said...

Jana, hope you get better soon. Where do yall go to church. Have a great weekend. Ann

Christa said...

I will miss you two soooo much! Have a great couple of weeks. I hope that you will be back out there with us very, very soon. Heal quickly!

The Miller's Blog said...

Jana, I am sooo sorry you are still having to use those stinkin' crutches. Maybe it was nice to have a break from work??? I guess that would be the ONLY bright side. WEll, we are going to miss you and Clark very much the next couple of weekends. Be careful, take it easy, and we will keep on praying for you. See ya in a couple of weeks.

LegalSec said...

Sorry to hear you're still on the crutch. . .you're right, it just takes time. I hope you have a wonderful trip and both of you will be missed!
Take Care,

Carol said...

I hope it feels better soon. Have you tried wearing a tennis shoe? I felt like I could bear the pain and bear weight as long as I wore a laced up tennis shoe when I had my stress fracture. Of course, that doesn't help much when you get up out of bed in the morning barefooted! Have a good time on your trip despite your doggone foot.

Debra said...

I will miss seeing both your smiling faces. We will all probably still be wandering around in the dark when you return. Take care of the body.

Stay cool.


Anonymous said...

Well relax and let your body heal. Remember you are the come back kid and we will see you soon out there with us. Take care! Suzanne

Robin said...

We'll miss y'all!

Chuck Gautier said...

It is not the same without y'all out there- on bikes or running. I hope to see you both soon, and that you will have a great rest in Hot Springs....

Kristy Jones said...


I am so sorry about your injury! I have been really busy and really bad about reading blogs and did not know!! I wish you a speedy recovery!!

By the way, where do you take art classes? Your paintings are amazing! I am interested in taking BEGINNER classes, but have no idea where to go!!

Have fun on your trip!

cjonesrun said...

Okay, Jana, take care of thyself so you can "chunk down" those crutches SOON! Hope y'all had fun at the retreat.