Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm a couch potato today!

I haven't blogged in a week or so but I have been keeping up with everyone elses on a daily basis. I am so proud of everyone! I have never been involved with a more determined group. We are going to have so much fun in Chicago. Just hanging out with a group of great people like you will be awesome.
I had a minor surgical procedure this morning and am on Demerol if I say something stupid. I decided that while my foot is healing I would kill two birds with one stone and eliminate this problem also. I can start exercising again in a week. I never thought I would miss exercising!! My foot has still been miserably sore. My boss has been fondly calling me "Chester." For you young things Chester was on Gunsmoke (in the olden days) and walked with a limp. I would much rather be called Miss Kitty the saloon keeper!
I have decided not to get upset about my foot. If I could do something about it, it would be different. I am just going to keep telling myself that it is just taking me a little longer than some to get ready for a marathon. If I am unable to do Chicago I will just keep working towards MS Blues in January and then Chicago next year. I have too many things to be thankful for to get upset!
Whatever happens, Clark and I will be there in Chicago to cheer you on!
Had a great time in Hot Springs with my girls. Clark took us all out for a fabulous dinner Saturday night celebrating my birthday (it was Friday). If you have never been to Hot Springs, there is a wonderful bath house called Buckstaff Bathhouse. It is the only one still open I believe. You can get a hot mineral bath (they scrub you with a loofah), steam sauna, sitz bath and a massage all for about 45 dollars. It is unbelievable! I didn't make it this time because our trip was so short but I sure wanted to.
Clark also sent me flowers for my birthday on Friday. He is not only Dr. Butt but he is the man!
We won't be with you folks again Saturday. I will still be recuperating and Clark is on call. Hope you have a great run. Drink, drink, drink!!!


Debra said...

Happy Birthday, Jana! You are very brave and very smart to be thinking so clearly about this marathon bizness. It's been a life changer and it's done great things for us whether we're able to do a marathon in Chicago or later.

Chester is still a favorite of mine. I think that the day after Chicago the plane maybe full of Chesters.

Flowers and a trip to Hot Springs...Clark is the Man.

Enjoy the Couch time. Best to you both.


lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Happy Birthday, Jana! You are a hoot and bring a smile to my face. This year's not the be all and the end all of CM. If you can't do it this year, it's not the end of the world. This is only the beginning of your running career. I'll be doing it again next year and look forward to seeing you at the finish line.

cjonesrun said...

You certainly look like Miss Kitty and NOT Chester...Debra is right about there being a lot of Chesters on the way from the CM!! I think there are quite a few of us who know those characters. Wow, Buckstaff, here I day. Thanks for the info on that place.
Happy belated birthday...sounds like Clark made it very special and of course being with your girls made it special too. I know you are tired of your sore foot but it will heal and to think of your many other blessings is so-o the right attitude. Stay inside and enjoy the "cool"!

LegalSec said...

I hope you had a wonderful and fun birthday! Sounds like you did. I hope your foot continues to heal so you can train with me for the Mississippi Blues Marathon. Mark said "If you want to run the Blues you have to be able to sing the Blues." I think you and I fit into that category just a little because of our disappointing injuries. But we'll be back and even stronger than ever. Take care! We'll miss you Saturday!

The Miller's Blog said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you had a great one--you sure deserved it!

Even though you have had these setbacks I am soooooooo glad you and Clark have been with us! As I've said before--ya'll are awesome and incredible and everything in between!!!!!!

We'll miss you Saturday. :-( Take care of that foot and don't do too much!!!!!

catseye said...

Chester and Dr. Butt. What a combination! Happy belated birthday!

Kayra said...

I'm so glad you'll be going to Chicago with us, because it wouldn't be the same without you.

Chuck Gautier said...

I know you will be running in Chicago with determination and positive thinking like that. Happy Birthday Marathoner!

Behind Closed Doors said...

Jana, we miss you out there. I hope you have a quick recovery! You are a marathoner! Keep pushing forward. Thanks for all your encouragement to everyone! Scotty

Christa said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jana!!!!! Your trip sounds awesome and I know your wonderful man gave you the royal treatment that you deserve! I'm glad you are recovering nicely from both ailments. Hang in there. If you can't do Chicago, just think how well you'll be able to do the MS Blues. You bounce back quicker than anyone I know! We missed you the last couple Saturdays! See you soon!

Carol said...

I'm sorry your foot is not cooperating but I think it would be pushing it to try to run this one and risk further pain and injury. I think training for the Blues and for next year's Chicago is a fine idea! I know you're disappointed but you are tough and strong and will persevere.

Kristy Jones said...

Thanks for the comment, Jana... Yeah, its pretty disapointing, but I don't know for sure yet... maybe its not, but it kind of sounds like it is going to be a stress fracture...