Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fat lost, muscle gained!

Last night while wogging in Strawberry Patch Park at dusk sweating like a mule I kept thinking "I am regressing. Why is this so hard for me? Why am I so tired? I am not going to be able to keep this up if it doesn't get easier!" By the time I got home I realized why I am so tired - I have wogged 18 miles since Saturday! In my old life (four months ago) I would have maybe walked a couple of miles on Sunday if I felt energetic, then possibly gone to water aerobics another day if I got the urge. What I am doing now goes against everything I have ever done IN MY WHOLE LIFE and I am 51 years old! No wonder I am tired and sore!

I can tell you that when Mark or Robin or any of the veteran marathoners suggests something, it is very smart to do it. After the run Saturday, I got so busy with my family I did not take time to ice my legs and I have surely paid for it this week. It DOES make a difference. With me anyway.

I went to water aerobics this morning for XT. I think it helped with the soreness. I also got brave enough to weigh and have lost 4 pounds in four months! Not a world record but I am happy! As I have said in the past, those are pounds that I don't have to carry around on Saturday!!!

Wog on, fellow marathoners!


LegalSec said...

Congratulations Jana! Over my years of yo-yo losing and gaining, I've have been told that it's best to lose slowly. That way it will stay off whereas a fast weight loss will come back with more than you lost. I speak from experience about this. So, Great Job! Keep up the good work. You are doing wonderfully!

Anonymous said...

I have also lost weight while doing this but you also gain muscle weight. After I ran that 10k in Paymond I gain 4 lbs at Weight Watchers Monday. They told me this is from muscles building up. Hang in there. See you Saturday. Suzanne

The Miller's Blog said...

You're doing great Jana!!!! Rock on.

cjonesrun said...

What a nice reward after a tough time in the park! You are right, we must remember the hours/miles we are putting in and how our bodies are still adjusting to the "new" lifestyle. It helps to know there are others who struggle at times too!

Chuck Gautier said...

Congrats on the weight loss. Don't forget you probably gained at least 4lbs of muscle, too, so you have really lost about 8lbs of fat!

Robin said...

You are doing great, Jana!

AmyW said...

You were looking quite speedy out there Saturday! What interval are you doing?