Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Terrible Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday

Had a bad day yesterday and did not wog. I was grouchy, had a stomach ache, headache and ankle ache. I was just all around crummy!

Today IS a new day. I WILL do better. I WILL feel better. I WILL not be grouchy (unless Clark says one wrong word ;-)



Anonymous said...

It seems that most of us are having a bad day this week. That means that Saturday will be good. Hang in there. Try to come Thursday at 6 PM if you can and we will cheer you up. Suzanne

The Miller's Blog said...

Yes, You are not the only one having bad days this week. I have felt so unmotivated and, like you said, crummy!!!! I think a lot of it has to do with my brother leaving, and the uncertainty where he will be going, and also the ABSOLUTE SHEER JOY of being a hormonal female!!!! Hang in there girlfriend, you are not alone!!!!!! It's a new day, and next week will be a new week!

Chuck Gautier said...

Whew! I do hope it gets better. We have been grumpy around here. Too much to do! Saturday will be better, for sure.

LegalSec said...

Jana, I feel your pain! Hope you have a good run Saturday. I'll be so glad when I can get back out there. I really miss getting to see you.

cjonesrun said...

I hope you got the duct tape out for Clark!

Mary said...

Clark would NEVER say a wrong word!

Chicago_or_Bust said...

Hey, I'm moving up! Used to be that I didn't even have to say a word, just look wrong and ----- zap!
