Monday, June 18, 2007

Blogging Blues

I haven't blogged in a while. Sorry about that but just haven't had much to say. I have been enjoying my new car. Clark and I look like a couple of kids riding around with the top down.
I have been reading everyone's blogs about heel pain. Please don't ignore it. I have one more week before I have another xray to see if my stress fracture has healed. We leave for Cody, WY next Thursday for a mission trip and unless my heel has healed enough to walk (for exercise) I will not get any exercise other than working on the mission. I don't think we will be staying any place fancy enough to have an elliptical or bike! If it is okay I plan on just walking that week and start back running the next week. I want to go as slow as necessary to keep this from happening again. I went today and got a foot imprint for orthotics. I don't know if it will help prevent a future stress fracture but it is worth a try. Jennifer at Methodist Rehab told me I have very weak ankles and that hopefully these will help keep me from a sprain.
I exercised on the elliptical for 40 minutes today and then did water pilates for one hour. I am doing everything I can to keep up endurance. It is hard because I never feel like I do enough. I didn't do anything yesterday. After church, having lunch with my family, and then visiting Clark's dad there was no more time. I was also lazy from eating so many barbecue ribs! Maybe that is why I can't lose weight? Naw............................
My daughter and son-in-law are moving to Kansas City, MO. That leaves us with only one kid in town! I have been very down about her moving. She is my baby! I would never hold her back though. Everyone should have a chance to experience other areas of the country and get away from their parents for a while. I am sure going to miss her! Hopefully it will only be for a year.


VICKIE said...

i know what you mean about your baby, mine will go to State in august, even though shes been at Jones for the last 2 yrs she comes home every weekend and even on wed's some, but not when she gets up there,, ill miss her terribly, but this is her time and i dont want her to feel like she has to hang around here for me,, thomas will be gone again in pr ob july- aug so just me again,,:-( probably work more,,, nooooo, ha,,
take care,hope you have a good time on your Mission Trip, Haley and I are going on our Youths mission trip Wed, will be back sunday so ill miss your half marathon, but it will be good for us ,
see ya soon and enjoy that car!

The Miller's Blog said...

oh, I'm sorry about your daughter moving. I must say, I am a Mama's baby. Chad and I have talked about moving to Florida, but neither one of us can leave our parents!
Jana, you are doing a great job keeping up with your exercise, and keeping your endurance up. You are not doing this for nothing. When that doctor tells you that you are healed, you will be glad you've been keeping up your exercise. I know you are getting discouraged. I know how I felt from just that one week I had to skip out on are doing soooo well. Don't give up. I'm so glad to have you and Clark in this group. You both are such great, awesome people. Keep on keeping on!

Christa said...

You ARE doing great with your training. I know it doesn't feel like you are keeping it up, but I can tell that you are. You are busting your butt!! I hope the orthotic helps you. It can't hurt, right? I'm sorry to hear about your daughter and SNL moving away. But they will love it there and it'll be a great place for you to visit. Hang in there!

queen said...

awwww! i know you'll miss your baby!! kinda sad. but like you said, great for them!
hope your heel's better. i have lost so much muscle and stamina, i'm not sure how i'll get it back.
good luck!

Carol said...

I hope that heel is healing! And I hope you have fun in Wyoming. I think I might need to babysit your car while you're gone. Sorry about the daughter moving. I am sad that my kids are scattered across the country but at least there are fun places to visit!

Debra said...

Hey Jana:
You might benefit from a little rest. Yeah, I know that momentum thing of keeping up the exercise, but due to scheduling I really didn't get in much practice time the past 2 weeks and had to miss 2 marathon saturdays in a row. But this past sat. I did feel good for the 6 miles. Now, I know that it was overcast and it was only 6 miles (!!), but I think resting up (not by choice) didn't hurt. Don't remind me of this as I drag myself to the end of the Half on Saturday. ha!

See ya,

AmyW said...

Such a cute sounding little car. I have not seen a convertible one such as yours. Can't wait to see it on a Saturday. Hang in there with the recovery. I think I have weak ankles too, and am back to walking, as my ankles were KILLING ME when I was jogging longer distances. Walking works, makes me more patient. Have fun in Wyoming. I too would be SOOOO happy to babysit your new car while you are gone. Let me know.