Sunday, June 24, 2007


Would we have seen this wonderful expression of God's love for us had we not been on the causeway at 5:45 Saturday morning?


The Miller's Blog said...

Ha! Way to think positive! Great picture.

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Thanks for that! I have told several people about how beautiful that was! I think I may save and print it! I may put the date and my time on it for my FIRST 1/2 MARATHON..... Maybe I'll use it for the COOKBOOK too....

Do I need to get written permission to use your photo! :) I promise I won't resell!!! Wait maybe I will .... if so I'll share the profit!

Thanks again for the photo and Saturday's location!!! oh yeah and sharing Clark's butt too!

Christa said...


Donna said...

Wow! That is beautiful! Every time we're running at the Rez that early, I always wish that I had a camera. I might steal it too. Can't wait till you can start running with us again. We miss ya!! Have a good week!

nissannurse said...

Amen, sista-girl, amen.......

catseye said...

Beautiful picture!

Thanks for sharing Sam McGaugh's comments. He's a really nice guy.

Thanks, too, for the Advil Saturday. It helped me finish.

Hope your trip is great.

Debra said...

Did Clark catch this great image with his new camera? It's beautiful! I remember seeing the glow on the horizon but missed the full sun.
