I went this morning for my bone scan and did not get good news. According to the Radiologist I have a calcaneal stress fracture of my left foot. Great, huh. I have not heard from Dr. Sullivan yet so don't really know how bad and what restrictions I have.
Clark and I rode bikes 8 1/2 miles yesterday and I did the elliptical today for 30 minutes. Dr. Sullivan actually told me not to do anything but I have come too far to regress back to where I was! These two exercises are not weight bearing on my heel so I think they are okay. I can already tell that I am losing conditioning by not running or walking. Hopefully, this will not be bad and I will have a fast recovery. I have read a lot about this fracture and in general it seems to take around 6 weeks to heal. It is caused by osteoporosis or adding too many miles too soon or overuse (also, other things but didn't think they apply to me such as flat feet, feet deformity or obesity). As everyone knows (who reads my blogs) I am a rule follower so I don't think I have done too much too soon. I do have osteopenia which is a precurser to osteoporosis but have been taking well over the daily requirement of calcium.
I will just have to wait and see. I'll keep you posted!
BTW, I finished a new painting this week.
LOOOOOOOVE the painting! You are incredibly talented!!! Well, I will keep you in my prayers. Trust me, I understand just how frustrated you are right now!!! You're gonna get through it, though, and you're gonna cross that finish line in October!!!!
Hi Jana:
Wish the news had been better. I expect Dr. Tip will have a plan for you to work, and we'll all be there together in Chicago. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you. I'll see you on Sat. June 16.
By the way, the colors are wonderful in your painting. I love the red vase against the green apples.
Ah, such talent! Sorry about your report. I have learned the hard way that we really need to do exactly as the doctor says. You could always join me at the Healthplex for swimming. I'm really glad you received a blessing from my blog. It means a lot to me to know that I helped in some small way. I do believe everything happens for a reason; it just may take us a while to figure out the reason. Take care and let me know what the doctor says.
Wow, the painting is very good. You are inspiring me to dig into my artistic side again! I wish the news would have been better for you but you stick with us and I know you will be back on the trail again. Suzanne
Oh Jana, I hate to hear that! You can keep up your cardio with the bike and deep water running, though. Hang in there - Mark's been there, as you know....so it can be done.
The painting is beautiful!
Hang in there Jana. That painting, WOW. I did a double take bc I thought it was a photo. You are amazingly talented.
You are a renaissance woman! Surely with such a talent you will find a way to train and recover! Seriously, your painting is really good! Wish the news was better, but it does not sound like a death sentence, either- keep us posted-
I CANNOT believe how beautiful that painting is. Truly, it looks like a photo. You are amazing! I hate that you are injured but I know that you can bounce back quickly once you get the green light from the doc. Try not to let it get you down! Keep active in other ways and you'll be fine. Hope to see you tomorrow! I miss you and Clark!
Oh my gosh! That painting is awesome! I didn't even know it was a painting! Sorry to hear about your foot. I hope things will work out! I'm sure they will. Thanks for offering me some gels this morning. I don't think that there was any way I could have made it this morning. I am just physically drained! I did find a friend who is going to do the 12 miles with me tomorrow, though so I can keep up with the training. Thanks for all of the nice comments over the last week. They really helped me feel better! You are so sweet. I'll see you soon!
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