Thursday, April 19, 2007

I just remembered I wanted to share some things I read in a little booklet I got for subscribing to Runner's World called "10 Free Running Reports" and then I have to get busy around here.
This is from the "Special Report for Women" and this section is geared for us women over 40. Sorry guys and younguns........

First of all Joan Ellis, age 51 (my age) won the 2000 Boston Marathon veteran's division in 3:05:46.
The report states:
1) we should train with younger runners
2) pump iron 2-3 times a week (improves muscle strength and bone density)
3) alternate hard and easy days (applies to all runners but especially to masters (I like that word), who take longer to recover. Don't run more than 50 to 60 miles per week. (not a problem - yet, HA!)
4) Consider hormone therapy - shows promise in reducing cholesterol, building bones, and easing menopausal symtoms. Also, may benefit brain health, prevent some cancers, and possibly reduce risk of osteoarthritis.
5) Running lowers your risk of adult-onset diabetes and heart disease, the number one killer of women over 60
6) Contrary to popular belief, running won't ruin your knees. Some studies suggest that it might actually help prevent arthritis by pumping nutrients into knee joints.

Interesting stuff, huh?


VICKIE said...

good seeing you and he dr today, is nice of him to help everyone, thats a good thing
hope your having a good time on the cruise,,
have fun
see ya sat!
tell dr clark i said hi also,

cjonesrun said...

Thanks, Jana, it's always good to have info on the "senior sector"!

VICKIE said...

didnt say i would, just kinda thinking about it, ha,,it does look hard,,
hope your trip was good,,

catseye said...

The wonderful thing about Colorado and the Denver area is all the trails that are available for running, biking, etc.

I might come "down" to Denver for my 7 miles tomorrow. Our house is about 45 minutes southwest of Denver.

I think I'll do a little test today and see how it goes before I decide.

For your trip in June, if you're not familiar with the area you should get a book of the various trails in the Boulder area.

Sounds like Clark really "cracked the whip" on the cruise. Good job keeping up with your training!