Thanks to everyone for the congrats on my 3rd place medal. I would not have known I won it if it had not have been for Debra - she won 2nd place!!!!! Congratulations Debra! I was very verbal about mine while Debra humbly kept her accomplishment to herself.
Christa, hope your knees are okay. We had fun going through the finish line together.
OMG!! that is great!! and you were complaining about your knees! yea, right!
you are awesome!
I can't tell you how proud I am of you! And I can't thank you enough for "carrying" me across the finish line! I had run out of steam and you came along at just the right time. Thank you so much for giving me the ever needed encouragement and for NOT letting me lag behind! I tried to lag, but you wouldn't let me! You are awesome!!!! It WAS fun finishing together like that. You actually finished before I did and should have placed before me! If that was any indication of what Chicago will be like, I can't wait. I hope we get to cross the finish line together then too. I am so glad to have met you on this bizarre journey Jana! You are a great MM friend!!!!!
What a cute picture!!! Congratulations again. You deserve it!!!
BTW, I think that picture is so cute because even though Christa said she almost didn't make it both of you are grinning ear to ear. Proud as peackocks that you made it! The look on your faces shows the true spirit of us marathoners!!!
I hate I missed it. Congrats!!
I am catching up from being out of pocket. Such a beautiful piece of art! And, Clark is just welcome to comment anytime, isn't he, on how great your new marathon body is looking. What a treasure he is for noticing positive change. It was so fun to see you and Ann at Strawberry this week. Ya'll kept me going!
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