Friday, April 13, 2007

My Latest Art

This is my latest picture. Thought I would share. I haven't had much time to paint lately but really enjoy it.


The Miller's Blog said...

WHAT?! You did that? Really? Get out! I've always wanted to try out painting but never had the time or resources to do it.
Very talented!!! You go girl.

Chicago_or_Bust said...

I'm really proud of my Marathoner and her art!!!!

Now, if I could just get her to cook.........:-)


Christa said...

You PAINTED that? I thought it was a photograph!!!!! God, you are awesome!!! Do you have a gallery somewhere? You are so talented! Thanks for sharing your gift with us!!!!

Christa said...

P.S. Your husband is funny!

queen said...

all i can say is....WOW!

tell clark cooking is HIS job.

Kayra said...

I thought it was a photograph too! WOW that it's awesome. I'm with Christa, your work should be in a gallery somewhere.

Ann and Bob said...

That is really good.. I have just started reading all of these blogs...I don't need one more thing to distract me though, but I do enjoy reading them. Sounds like we are in the same boat as far as our knees, our walking, running, crawling. We need to get together and talk. What time is everyone going tomorrow...can I meet up even if I don't do the race?

cjonesrun said...

Jana, the painting is gorgeous...very professional looking. I am sure you have some of your paintings in a gallery somewhere. Where? I love to have artwork by local artists. Clark seems to have the same sense of humor as Mr. Wayne Jones, my hubby. He will give me directions to the kitchen sometimes!

LegalSec said...

Very impressive!!!! It really does look like a photograph!! I wish I had that kind of talent!! I'd really just be satisfied with ANY kind of talent! LOL

cjonesrun said... done won yourself a medal---Wahoo-o-o-o! Congratulations!!

runNcrazy said...

What a great piece of art work. Wish that I was blessed with such talent.

Matt Broome said...

That's a beautiful painting. It's been forever since I did anything with my "talent" … painting-wise, that is. My creativity if all wrapped up in computers these days. I wish it were the other way around. Hopefully one day I will get back on track with that. Glad to see other artists in the group.

VICKIE said...

im was wayyyyyyyyyy impressed with that picture, i thought it was a photograph also, maybe you need to do one of our motley crew!
have a good week