Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I wogged for 4 miles yesterday and can barely walk today. My knees are a mess. I keep telling myself I only have to walk slowly for 20 minutes today to keep my "perfect record" but I know in my heart that I have to try to recover from this knee plague and rest today. I will take it easy this week and walk Saturday.
The good news is, we are going to Huntington Grill tonight for dinner courtesy of Cymbalta (a drug for pain and depression). I plan on pigging out! Only on super foods of course! Not! I think red wine is a super food, don't you? At least it should be. It is very good for the heart and circulation and probably good for sore knees!
Have a great week!


The Miller's Blog said...

I believe that red wine is the cure-all. Takes away the aches and pains and cures the blues!!! Enjoy yourself. And remember not to overdo yourself with your training. I have found that I have had to slow down the past couple of days because I'm trying to do to much and my shins have been KILLING me. Even after stretching. Maybe I need some red wine.......

queen said...

i DEFINATELY think red wine is a super food! (and i'm the nutritionist!)
have fun!

VICKIE said...

have a good time tonight,,
see ya tomorrow!