Clark and I left Friday after work for Clarkco State Park for a family reunion. It was great seeing all my mom's family. She had nine brothers and sisters. Only four are left but over one hundred grandchildren, great granddchildren, nieces, nephews uncles and aunts came.
Saturday morning, Clark and I got up very early, dressed and we were wogging and biking by 6:30. I wogged my nine miles, 2/2 intervals, and he biked beside me, around me, in front of me and in back of me for at least 18 miles. My times was 1:57:33. Not bad I thought. It was very hard at times but the weather was pleasant, it was shady and there were plenty of campsite bathrooms available. The only problem were the hills. Has anyone seen the hills of Quitman, MS? I didn't know there were hills in MS except Vicksburg! The last couple of miles I got smart and walked up the hills and ran down the hills! I felt like I was being tortured the first couple of miles but after that it got much easier until the last couple of miles. I could not have done it by myself, I know. Clark kept me going and providing water for me. He even biked back to our cabin and got me a banana. I think I will keep him! He offered to bring me back to Jackson to run with you guys but it was a two hour drive and I knew with his help I could do it there.
After the run, we had a catered barbecue lunch and a full afternoon of storytelling and videos. It was a wonderful day. If your mom is still alive spend time with her. It was such joy seeing my mom laughing and having fun with her sisters and brother. They are all in their seventies and eighties but acted like a bunch of kids.
Sunday evening I walked in the park for 30 minutes and this morning I wogged for 43 minutes and walked the rest of the time until I got to 4.6 miles. Monday is still my hardest day. It takes a lot of self talk and encouragement for me to be able to train on Monday! My body rebels the whole time!
For all of us that walk and run Strawberry Patch Park - if you don't have a Garmin you may not know that all the way around is not quite a mile. I walked around the loop five times and it was around 4.6 miles. Kinda disappointing because I thought my time was pretty good until I found this out!
Have a good week training and remember what Mark said about not overdoing it. We all want to get to Chicago TOGETHER and leave NO ONE behind! We can do it if we want it badly enough and train correctly! Sometimes it pays not to be a maverick! Even though he was kind and didn't say it, most of us are not spring chickens if you know what I mean!! :-)
we missed ya'll saturday, i only hope im as discipled as you, ill miss the half marathon thing in june, going with our youth summer trip( talk about torture ha) but im going to try and get in as much as i can, the hotel we are staying in has a treadmill but that can be so boring,,
keep up the good work, and i know you had a good time,, mothers are true gifts from God, and your right, we should be grateful for every min we have with them,
Crud! How dare Strawberry NOT be a real mile around it. Oh well, I am doing more of a "time spent" thing anyway during the week. Its shady, and that is a VERY GOOD thing these mornings.
We all missed you and Clark on Saturday. Sounds like you did a great job. I agree that Monday is a tough day for some reason. I do a lot of self talk on Monday too. I think it is because we do so much on Saturday that Monday is a letdown in a way. See you and Clark this Saturday.
Suzanne Windsor
Sounds like you had a great time and you have a great family. (We already know you have a great hubby!). You and your mom look just alike!!!! How cute ya'll are!
I missed y'all Saturday - tell Clark there were a couple of "challenging" hills for me and Anna on our route. Isn't it funny how you notice the landscape of things a lot more now that we have to tackle hills without a car?
I missed both of you Saturday. I kept thinking "what if something happens and Clark is not here patrolling and checking on us?". You guys are awesome, and I'm so glad you are part of my marathon adventure.
It was scary that Clark was not nearby on the bike. Anyway, missed y'all both, and we won't leave y'all behind for sure. I hope you won't leave any of us, either....
I definitely know what you mean! You are doing so well with your training. I'll bet you're going to get the award for your age group in Chicago! I was going to say "our" age group, but I'm probably older than you!
I drove up the see the group Saturday (showing off my cane LOL) and missed seeing you guys. Hope to see you soon.
You mom looks very sweet and cute, like you! Sounds like you had a great weekend. You DEFINITELY had a great run. That's awesome!!!! We sure missed you and "Wheels" though. I won't see you guys for the next two weeks. BOO HOO!!!
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